Add a little extra love to your kids’ lunches this Valentine’s Day with these adorable fruit pun lunch box notes. These are totally free and super-easy to download and print.

We’ve been so cold this week, and finally got some snow today. The kids only had one day back at school, now they’ll be home again tomorrow for a snow day! We’re in North Carolina, and since we only get a few snows each winter, it’s a big deal.
I’m sure it’ll all be gone by next week and the kids will finally get back into the swing of things. That means getting up early and making school lunches.
My kids are old enough now to make their own lunches for school, but every now and then I’ll still try to sneak a lunch box note into their lunch before they head out the door.
Sending a little note along with a lovingly made lunch is a simple way to stay connected while they’re at school. I know that school is a mix of fun and challenges, and I think pulling out a special note from Mom or Dad at lunchtime can help fill kids up on the inside to get them through the rest of their day.
Of course, you don’t need a pre-made note. But, these are super-cute and there’s always room on the back to add your own comments.

I created these lunchbox notes with Valentine’s Day in mind, but they’re definitely general enough to be used any days. They have a fruity theme with something for everyone!
Valentine’s Lunch Box Notes for Kids

Enjoy your free printable Valentine’s lunchbox notes for kids. And, if you have snow I hope you enjoy your weather and stay safe.
Be sure to check out my other Free Printables before you go!
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